
Apex 12" Straight Tube Bong


The Apex glass straight tube-style Bong stands 12" tall featuring a diffused downstem that helps cool vapour for smoother inhalation. It's made of high-quality, hand-blown borosilicate glass making it resistant to shock. it comes with an ice catcher for smoothness and a pull-out glass bowl for ease of use.

Straight Tube Bongs are a classic, combining a basic yet highly effective design, straight tube bongs are easy to grasp, store discreetly and are very easy to clean because of their shape and minimalistic features. Straight Tube Bongs are functional enough to serve as a Dab Rig.


  • 12” Tall Straight Tube Bong
  • Pull-out Glass Bowl
  • Diffused Downstem for Smoother Inhalation
  • Ice Catcher for Cooling Vapour

What's Included:

  • 1x Apex 12" Straight Tube Bong

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